Professor Jin-ichiro Yamada is a highly accomplished and experienced academic with an impressive track record in the higher education industry and public research institutes. With a strong background in entrepreneurship, lecturing, public speaking, management, and start-ups, Professor Yamada is a recognized leader in the field of entrepreneurship.
Professor Yamada holds a Doctor of Philosophy – PhD from Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Economics and Business, and his work has earned him several accolades. He has also served as an independent director for a listed firm in Japan. During his career he was a visiting fellow at Cranfield School of Management in the U.K., a visiting professor at the Management School of the University of Bordeaux in France, and a visiting professor at Griffith University in Australia.
In addition to his academic achievements, Professor Yamada has also made significant contributions to the entrepreneurship community through his role as Vice President of JASVE (Japan Association for Venture and Entrepreneurs).
Professor Yamada is also a Councilor (International Relations) of the Association for Organizational Science, one of the most prestigious academic societies in the social sciences in Japan.